

During my internship at TomTom, I helped apply the new corporate identity to the website, especially the route planner and support pages.


The internship program took place between September 2011 and February 2012.

My role

I was responsible for applying the new corporate identity and creating a styleguide for the route planner and support pages. Designed localization-ready experiences, with flexible design to support multiple languages. Participated in usability tests in close collaboration with the interaction designers and user-experience teams.

Route Summary

TomTom Route Summary

Search Error Messages

TomTom Error Messages

Live Traffic update message

One of the features I helped implement in the new release of the website was the Live Traffic toggle panel, displaying updates about traffic information. As TomTom has an international website, a certain flexibility in relation to word lengths in different languages must be considered in the design, which was one of the challenges of this feature and a lesson on creating safe design solutions.

LiveTraffic-animationTomTom - LiveTraffic 

Visual Styleguide

TomTom Visual Styleguide

Design Support Pages

TomTom Support Pages